jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

Andes: "Wikileaks put into crisis the speech logics of the GNO’s, foundations, and even governments".

Santiago Aguilar Moran and Luis Padilla Charpentier / Andes
Quito, 06 Aug (Andes).- Martín Becerra (MB) y Sebastian Lacunza (SL) are the Argentinean journalists authors of the book Wiki Media Leaks which appears after applying and informative filter to more than thirty thousand cables which talk about Latin America.
They arrived to Quito, on last August 3rd to offer a conference about the secret cables revealed by Wikileaks. On an interview with Andes Agency, both of them reviewed by some aspects of the conformation of their book.
We have a lot of information that has not been exploited, what is left for the region to discover about the Wikileaks cables?
SL: We focused on the relation the media, telecommunications companies, and governments. Now, the basis of documents are 32.000 cables about Latin America, it is a very rich basis of documents because they talk to us about the recent history, it talks about people that is currently, ministers, media owners.
MB: We did a thematic cut, and it is possible to do others, for instance, cuts of a country. It is very little what has been used from this huge base. For instance, we can refer to the diverse role that the Embassy has in the several countries. NOTA COMPLETA

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